
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Calling Mom

Recently, I was talking to another mom about our teenage girls. She was discussing some issues she was having and how she came to a decision about the proper way to discipline her daughter. She made a tough but great choice and I asked how did she decide on this particular punishment. Her answer..."I called my mom". 

When I heard her say those four words I must admit, I was jealous. What a lucky person to have her mom in her life to help with the tough decisions of raising her children. 
Me and my momma

But then I remembered a post I had read earlier in the day about being grateful for what you have. And, I looked to the sky (the heavens?) and thought, my mom will always be there to help me with the tough decisions. I know that I was blessed with a mother who helped to show me how to parent my own children by simply being a great mom. A woman who set such a terrific example of how to be a mom during the great times and the really difficult times. 

Our family of 5

I'm thankful that I can recall her advice even if I can't pick up the phone and call her.

My wise mother

1 comment:

  1. What a moving post. You are very blessed to have had such a wonderful mother. I know your time with her was cut short, but it was more than some women ever get. (((hugs))) to you. P.S. Shelly is your mini-me!!
