
Monday, December 09, 2013

Bracelets for Breast Cancer

Shelly, like many other girls her age, is obsessed with her CraZ Loom bracelet maker. She has an inventory of over 150 bracelets and is always creating new and different bracelet designs, as well as, fun little charms and rings.

Back in October Shelly and John decided it would be a great idea to make pink bracelets and sell them. So, John sold them to some of his colleagues and golfing buddies and the proceeds have been donated to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer fund.

Shelly wrote them a note and included a bracelet along with her card.

I know my mom, a 12 year breast cancer survivor, would be so very proud of her creative and thoughtful granddaughter!


  1. That brought tears to my eyes. What a sweetheart!!

  2. Brought tears to my eyes too. I adore this!
