
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Field Trip Bag

Shelly and I are headed to the beaches of North Carolina with her 4th grade class for an overnight field trip. And that means I need to prepare my field trip bag. 

A few things I always like to have on hand:

  • Lip balm
  • Hand lotion
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Band aids
  • Chewing gum
  • Kleenex
  • Portable phone charger
  • Earphones
  • iPad
  • Iphone
  • Dollar Store rain ponchos
  • Snacks
  • Grocery bags for trash
  • Iphone/iPad charger
  • Small wristlet 

Many times I also add in my big camera but thought I'd just go with the iphone for this trip. Keeps the bag feeling a bit lighter. 

I plan to use the small wristlet for my iPhone, a credit card, cash, and ID when we go to some of the museums and shopping areas. 

Those Dollar Store ponchos are easier to have on hand than a big rain jacket and they're handy when the temps are a little warmer and you don't need the jacket for warmth (we're expecting 64* days). 

It's always good to have hand sanitizer with all of the kids you come in contact with. 

I'm eager to have my portable phone charger so that I can whip it out when the phone or iPad get low. I downloaded a book that I plan to read on the trip. 

Once we've eaten some of our snacks, it's nice to have a small bag along for trash. The bag is also nice to have if we need it for any wet clothing. 

Yummy snacks 

We leave at 5:30 AM and we get to our hotel around 9:00 PM. So, it will help to have a full bag of tricks for our 16 hour day.  And, then we'll fill it back up for the second day of fun! Plenty of pictures to come from our beach adventures. 

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