Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Last Thursday Shelly's preschool class took a field trip to the farm. We went for about an hour and got to see the cows, pigs, horses, and donkeys. Fun times for the little ones. Here are some photos from the trip:On Saturday morning, we decided it would be fun to gather all of the girls' baby dolls and display them for a photo. We counted 23 here for this picture, but I still think there are other dolls out there...hiding
Lily had a spirit day on Monday...Blue and White day. So, we decorated her with a bulldog print and she picked out all of her blue and white clothes to wear. She also requested blue and white nails for the big day.

And here is a little video of the dolls:

1 comment:

  1. Ah!! I love the video. Cute, cute, CUTE!!
