Friday was the third grade field trip to the state fair. Shelly was beyond excited to go and she woke up an hour early for the fun.
She spent her time with three other friends and they were all such good buddies throughout the day. Shelly is a bit cautious when it comes to the rides and her friends were always willing to encourage her and accept her. Those are some good girls!
Shelly worked up the nerve to get on this crazy ride. Her friends were very supportive and took good care of her while she was on it.
But, when she got off her tummy was aching and she was looking a bit pale. Her last ride of the day made her a bit shaky and on the ride home she was sick to her stomach. Poor thing. But, she rested a little in the car and once home she was feeling better. It was an early bedtime for one happy and sleepy fair goer.
No way! Erin and my dad were there on Wednesday, too! I wonder if you guys crossed paths at some point... =0)