Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veterans Day

On Wednesday, Shelly's school had their annual Veterans Day celebration. Each grade performs a song tribute to the veterans and there are many military members present for the performance and it's always a touching ceremony.

Shelly's 3rd grade sang a sweet Thank You song. She was hidden in the crowd, but I managed to snap a few shots of her in her red, white, and blue. 

In honor of the veterans in our lives---my dad, my brother-in-law, and my uncle---a huge thanks for all that you have done to keep us all safe and protected in the USA. And, here's to our future military man who will be graduating in just a couple of weeks from Navy boot camp, our nephew, Kyle!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome program for our veterans! Wow!! Shelly is adorable, as always! :)
