Anyway, the girls and I just did a major organization of papers from school. I got two XL pizza boxes at Dominos the other night and Lily sorted through her treasures from Kindergarten. She saved what she wanted and put it into the box. We labeled the outside of the boxes with the school year and now they will easily slip under a bed for storage. Loving it!!! Then I organized the game closet (a la HGTV) and got rid of unnecessary game boxes putting the game items in large ziplocs that were labeled with the game name. We also went to town on the cabinet that houses arts and crafts items. Now, they are all neatly organized with the various supplies put away in an orderly manner. It feels good!!!! No, really good to organize all of this stuff and purge!!!!
So, after all of this we are rewarding ourselves with a little trip to Target for toilet bowl brushes (not digging the current wand system I'm using). Also, Lily will use one of her many gift cards for a little treasure for herself. Love a good Target run. Oh, and may even make a stop for lunch while we're out and about.
When we return, I need to make the blueberry muffins that are going in the boxes for Lily's school. I'm putting together little gift boxes with a coffee mug, Starbucks gift card, and muffins for the various extra teachers Lily goes to each week (art, music, p.e., etc.). Happy Sunday! Here's a little photo from the birthday party last week:

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.