I successfully helped out with Lily's field day yesterday. I was in charge of the spoon race. The kids had a great time with it and took it all very seriously. After four hours outside, I picked up Shelly from John at Panera's and enjoyed a yummy sandwich and some soup.
Last night, Lily took apart her box of little Kelly dolls while I was putting together her teacher's gifts for the end of the year. She did fairly well with all of the nerve wracking bits and pieces involved in the packaging of children's toys. Anyway, here are some photos of the latest gifts for the teachers:

Lily is off to school for her last full day. She is taking one of her magic items to perform a trick. I hope it goes well. Tomorrow, my little girl will graduate from Kindergarten. It is unbelieveable that this school year has come to an end. My thoughts (our journey) reflect back to those first days of school and my apprehension about letting my little girl go. What a wonderful experience Lily has had this year. I can only hope that she will continue to grow and flourish as easily in the years to come. Moving on is bitter sweet, but I become more and more accepting of it every day.
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