Friday, December 29, 2006


Here to check in on the holidays. Well, to put it softly there were some ups and downs. Instead of boring all with the gory details, I'll sum it up with the highlights:

Left NC and John had a bad case of the flu bug (finally ended by Saturday morn)

Saturday met up with some old friends and had some good laughs

Sunday a.m. (Christmas eve) learn that John's mom is in the hospital with an unknown pain

Sunday afternoon Karol gets a migraine

Sunday night go to Kristina's for a wonderful evening of food and fun

Drop my camera at the event and break the lens on my camera

Wake up to a happy little girl who is eager to wake up her sister and start the Santa fun

Little sister proceeds to open some gifts and then comes up with a huge spurt of vomit on the living room floor (sorry 'bout TMI)

Finish gifts, eat, shower, and leave for hospital to visit with MIL

Go to sister's home for dinner, drinks, and laughs

My niece and sister give us their old ipod mini for Lily and nano for me...yippy!

Day after Christmas head out to the stores with sis

John leaves that evening to head home to NC

We stay another day and go to Bonnie's for a visit with all of the girls

Visit John's mom at the hospital

Get word from sil in that mil is going home that evening from the hospital

Finish the VB trip with pizza and a movie at mom and dad's

Sister and niece bring the girls and I home

I get another migraine while we're on the drive home

Enter the house and immediately begin dedecorating

Have some good shopping fun with sis and all the girls

Make a yummy chicken dinner and hang out by the new fire pit

So, that's it in a nutshell...the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now, I'll add some holiday photos for fun.

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