Wow, I have been a blog neglecter. I feel badly about that, but I've been a bit preoccupied. My parents arrived on Friday afternoon and stayed until this morning when they headed back to Virginia Beach. I was sad to see them go. My girls are always weepy when they leave. That makes it harder. But, our time together was very productive. They had a chance to see Lily's basketball team play two games, my mom taught me some fierce sewing skills (like that funky phrase??), and my dad fixed the track for our trash can holder. So, much was accomplished while they were here. It was fun.
Today, I purchased more fabric. I'm as excited about the fabric as I am scrapbook paper. It really thrills me. I also completed my first sewing project unaided. I cut out a little image from some fabric and sewed it on a tshirt for Lily. Was it perfect??? No way, but it was mine and it was my first attempt at doing something I had imagined in my head and brought to reality. And you know what? That part was really cool. I'll post a picture of the not so perfect shirt tomorrow.

Tonight, I am thinking about the fact that my 3 year-old is still sleeping (happily) in her crib and wears diaper with no inclination to begin going potty. I think it is quite humorous. Had she been my first, I think I might possibly be drenched in tears right about now. But, since we've BTDT (been there done that), I could really care less. Really!! Now, I am sure others are grossed out by the idea that this cute little thing doesn't use the potty or want to snuggle in her big girl bed (situated right next to her "cribby"), but so be it. Don't all children have their odd little crutches...from bottles, to pacis, to didis, to thumbs, to whining, to napping, to temper tantrums...and on and on. So, really, who cares. This too shall pass and when she's far from home at age 25, I'll think about her at age three snuggled up in cribby wearing her diapies.
Glad to hear you had a fun visit but it is sad to see them go. Can you believe this warm NC weather? It feels like spring. ENJOY!