Sunday, June 03, 2007


Here are the random thoughts of the's actually 4:54 a.m. and I've been up for three hours...not sure if it's morning or night, anyway:

I spent the morning reorganizing some of my PTA computer documents and printing out some of the important items I’ll need for our first meeting on Tuesday

I hold a two year term as Secretary

This year, the vice president and treasurer are both friends/neighbors…so I think it will be fun to work with them

I started to create a notebook similar to this…

I am hoping it will help me to better organize paperwork in our house

I also went through the many magazines that clutter my life and tore out things I want to save and put them in various categories in this book

I vowed that from now on I would look through a mag and tear out the pages that interest me, as I go

Then pitch the magazine when I’m done

I also have blank cookbooks that I like to use to add my own recipes into

I usually like to copy down recipes I find in a magazine into something like this

But, today I finally got smart and just clipped the recipes out of the magazine and glued them on to the blank page instead of recopying the whole recipe

I know this sounds rather mundane, but it was a huge revelation in saving “time

So, now my coffee table is clear of all of my magazines and I am feeling a bit better about all of the “paper” items in my life

We spent the afternoon at our friends’ pool and we all came home and crashed for about an hour

Then we headed off for our yearly visit to Golden Corral and their yummy rolls

Tonight, we played hide and seek and tag when we got home

I love the freedom of summer…no schedule and just fun

Lily is constantly asking me what day it is…how nice to be able to forget the day

It is raining out right now and I think it will rain all day (Sunday)

I am hoping to get out of the house for a little break today

And, a post is not complete without a photo. So, here is something to enjoy:

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