Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Lots happening around these parts. So, blogging has taken a back seat. Perhaps I can come up with some interesting things to say one day soon! For now, just some tidbits of life around here.

  • Busy helping plan the Fall Festival at Lily's school. This is one of those activities that is so fun to attend, but not nearly as much fun to plan. Looking forward to the day after...the 30th. Then I might be able to go back to a relatively normal way of living...less meetings more time to think about the holidays and family.

  • Changes for John with work. This seems to trickle down and effect everyone. Keeping positive about it all is making it better.

  • Lily has her pirate day on Friday at school and she asked me to create a pirate/skull embroidery on a shirt for her. I was pleased she asked me. Here she is in a trial run of her pirate outfit.

  • Fall is coming soon and I am so eager for its arrival!!!

  • Shelly is enjoying preschool and doing well in the mornings at drop off. Thankful for that.

  • I took two large outdoor trash bags full of John's clothes to Goodwill along with several comforter sets that we no longer use and a printer that stopped working years ago. Feels oh so good to purge!!!

  • Tomorrow I am dropping off over 100 pieces of clothing at the consignment sale at Shelly's school...another oh so good feeling!

Shelly wearing a crazy wig and using a shoelace as a belt!

Lily working on her homework...she is a hard working student!

Off to organize and clean a few rooms!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the embroidery--you're really talented! Showed my husband (big fan of skulls)--he's impressed too but is now demanding that I make Baby ChubChub a shirt just like it! Um, Honey, I'm the one who just barely learned how to sew on buttons!
