Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love story #4

The first time we kissed we were standing outside that bar on our way inside and I was beside his red Thunderbird. He came over to open the car door. We walked about three steps and then turned toward each other and kissed. At this point, a mere five hours had passed, but for some reason it felt like exactly the right thing to do. And, those strong arms were safely wrapped around me…just more validation that this felt right.

The next day (Friday) I thought about him a lot. His face passed through my mind a million times and I just couldn’t shake it. On a Friday night in Virginia Beach there is plenty for a single gal to do. For those of us who are social butterflies we tended to migrate to Duck-In and the beachfront party. For some reason this night, I wasn’t in the mood to go out and about and so I stayed home. At about 8:00 I was talking with my friend who had been the female part of the blind date set up. She was calling to find out about the evening after they had left. As we talked, the call waiting beep sounded and I hesitantly answered the call. It was him…Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome was on the other line. He asked if I had eaten dinner and I said…No!...of course, I had already downed my Healthy Choice frozen meal and wasn’t the least bit hungry. Then he said he’d be over and we could get some Mexican food at the restaurant up the street from my apartment. I was thrilled to hear his voice and I could hardly believe he was coming over.

He arrived looking equally as terrific as he had the night before. We spoke casually and easily and then headed to the Mexican restaurant. I ate a small amount and didn’t talk much. I was feeling a bit nervous and I knew why. I wanted to know if he had been to the Friday night social gathering at Duck-In. So, I bravely asked and his answer surprised me. “Yes, I went and was set up to meet a girl there, kind of a blind date thing. It didn’t work out and all I could think about was you.”

I thought, wow, what was the deal? Was he a serial blind dater????

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