Friday, June 13, 2008


BIG NEWS...Shelly lost her first tooth tonight. I can't get over it. She is just a month shy of turning 4 1/2!!! So hard to believe she is losing those little teeth already! It had been loose for awhile and tonight while brushing her teeth before bed, it came right out. I think the whole thing surprised, shocked, and scared her a bit. Notice in the photo of just her mouth you can see a little tiny tear coming from her eye. She was much happier after we assembled the tooth in its pillow and wrote the fairy a note. It will be an exciting morning for her.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your daughter on her first lost tooth. I can still remember both of my kids first lost tooth times. Just wanted to drop by your blog and say hi! ...From one Karol with a "K" to another! We are a rare breed, you know what, right? :-) I have enjoyed my visit to your blog.
