Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sugar and Spice Girls

I just love these two little girls. I love to photograph them and usually they love to be photographed.

Lily asked to have her curled with the spiral curling iron. She then put it up and turned into a 16 year old!!! I can't believe how much more mature she is becoming. She is really growing up.

My other little pretty...well, she is going through quite a battle of wills. We are attempting to potty train her (and yes, I know she's 4 1/2 and yes, I know I should have done this sooner). As we attempt this, she is still NOT showing signs of interest in the whole thing. We have tried it all...books, lots of liquids, visits to the potty, incentives, potty chart, the list goes on and on. I am questioning my decision to force the whole process on her. Maybe I should just be letting it happen naturally, but my fear is that it might not happen any time soon. Not so sure what my next step will be. I do know that I am not a fan of being forced to stay at my house. Between the gas price situation and potty training, I gotta get outta here!!! Said in the nicest way!

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