Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Daddy said I could..."

get her ears pierced!!! So, off we went to Claire's to get the job done.The previous agreement was age 13 for ear piercing, but somewhere along the way the age kept lowering and finally we just gave into it. We realized it really wasn't that big of a deal to let her have them done now. She was thrilled and FULL of nervousness as we entered the store. She selected the sweetest little CZ floral earrings and the saleslady got busy with ear prepping. This seemed to take quite a long time and I could see that Lily was getting more anxious than ever. (Notice her holding mousey blanket!)Finally, the piercing was completed and I got a smile out of her. The smile quickly faded and she went into I'm-about-to-faint mode! I had her sit on the stool for a while until the color came back to her face and she was ready to stand. She selected three sets of earrings and we hurriedly checked out. Once in the car, she began to calm down and I got her a cheeseburger and iced water. After relaxing and enjoying her lunch, she was good as new. And loving her new earrings!

1 comment:

  1. How cute and so grown up! Glad she didn't faint!
