Monday, September 29, 2008

My Faithful Blog Reader Comes to Visit

One of my most faithful blog readers was here this weekend for a visit!! My sister, Kathy, came to Greensboro for a conference and stayed on to visit us for the weekend. The girls loved hanging out with funny Aunt Kathy. They played dueling computer music games and talked about dogs and any other animal they could think of.

She even tagged along with us to the annual Fall Festival at Lily's elementary school. She was smart enough to bring along her camera and snapped lots of shots at the festival (thanks, Kath). Fun times. We hope her next visit won't be far off and we look forward to heading to DC to see her, as well.

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!!! Looks like your sis is camera happy just like you!!! Hahahaha!!!!
