I sat for a few hours while at my dad's house last week and went through MANY photo boxes filled with pictures. There were memories galore in those boxes and I loved laughing and crying while I flipped through the pictures. A few of the pictures made me smile and I knew I had to scan them and put them on my blog. My great grandfather, Harry R. Dieffenderfer, who lived to be 100 years old. Here he is with his dog Sally and I loved the captions he wrote on the back of the pictures.
A cute little picture of Lily wearing a sweater that my mother knit for her. Loved her little pursed lips in this picture:
A super cute picture of my dad in Pennsylvania snow in November of 1934. He was a year and a half in this picture:
How fun! I think the girls resemble your dad when I look at this pic of him. That pic of Lily is so cute!!!