- I miss so many things about my mom. One of the things I think of often is the ability to get her advice on topics. I miss that so much and relied on her words of wisdom frequently.
- Our family is in desperate need of sleep. Hope this changes soon.
- Thinking of Sylvia and hoping that she is feeling stronger and better each day.
- I can't believe it is already July 19th. That means that school begins in 5ish weeks. Too soon.
- Looking forward to a visit from my sister and kids soon.
- Enjoying my new FREE bike from Mary and Bestemor. Can't wait to try out the watermelon pink paint on it.

- Did I mention I am tired????
- Making some plans this week to do things the girls have requested.
- Thankful for my husband.
- Played around with some feature on the camera and this was the result...a collage of action shots.

- So glad that my dad made his trip to PA safely and hoping he is enjoying himself.
You look great riding your new bike!!! :) That action collage is awesome!