Monday, August 31, 2009


I must admit that throughout all of the excitement of a new school year and Shelly starting Kindergarten there has been a bit of sadness looming in my heart.

Nothing would make me happier than the days I would call my mom and share the news of picking out a new backpack for the girls or finding a super deal on a pair of school shoes.

Then there were the bigger discussions that we would share. Talking about how Shelly would handle leaving me and our days of fun to head off to school or discussing the enthusiasm that Lily has about school and her teachers. The talks would feel like big long distant hugs making me feel like I had my guardian angel there with me even though she was miles away.

And I suppose I still have that same angel with me during these important days, but as always, I wish she was here with me.
Me, Lily and Mom (June 2003)

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