Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Once I picked up Lily and brought her home from running club on Monday, we looked outside to see a squirrel sitting precariously on the side of the pool. He (assuming here that it was a boy squirrel) gingerly made his way closer to the pool's edge and then suddenly he was perched with a back leg and front leg on the side of the pool and the legs in the water. He was reaching closer and closer toward the water in an attempt to get a little sip of H2O. 

As this event unfolded in front of us, Lily shouted out, "Look at the deer". And sure enough, there were four deer heading to the trees on the back of our lot. In one glance you could see a squirrel hanging by a thread in the pool and deer eating the leaves on our trees. A regular wildlife sanctuary in our own backyard.

Notice deer to the left and squirrel to the right

Deer & Squirrel together!

And, as I watched the squirrel skitter out of our lawn I wondered, "Did he ever get a drink of water?".

1 comment:

  1. I was waiting for him to fall in. Can squirrels swim?
