Just wanted to share some things that I did for my three Valentine's in my house.
Last night I put together a little place mat setting for the girls for their breakfast in the morning. It included a simple heart doily with a paper towel cut in the shape of a heart, a red cup, and a sweet little Valentine note for each of the girls.

Then for their lunch, I made another place mat heart doily with a love note from me, and a Lindt chocolate. I placed them all in a sandwich bag and included it in their lunch box.

And I have the table set and a decoration or two out for when they get home from school. We'll share Valentine's day cards and little gifts before we have dinner.

Here is John's simple and silly little gift:

And the girls' gift bags with a heart necklace, chocolates, fun pens and pencils, an owl lotion, and a cool girls' magazine for each of them.

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