1. This ultra cool colander turned into a nifty storage container.
2. Fun t-shirt for a nice warm day.
3. Pretty pink cake platter for a spring celebration.
4. This absolutely darling crown hanging over a pretty bed...love, love, love it!
5. Fun card plates for some super fun Poker nights.
6. Great little crayons that are shaped in a funky new way.
7. Shabby chic apron that makes any cook look like a gourmet.
8. My latest fascination...the bootie bag...loving these! The price is a bit much, but the style is so cute and I can't resist the great name!
9. What a sweet little dress up outfit or perfect Halloween costume (you can never plan too early, can you?).
Hope you enjoy these and it helps to inspire your own list.
On another topic, I am making a list of the cool things that happened to me in my 30's. So, here goes:
- I lived alone in my cute little apartment.
- I had my own little kitty who kept me company.
- I ended a 9 year relationship with someone who was totally wrong for me.
- I met the man of my dreams (really...of my dreams)!
- I married that man!
- I achieved many of my goals in my teaching career.
- I had two beautiful baby girls.
- I quit my teaching job.
- I moved to a different state and got ready to start all over.
- I became a mom of a Kindergartener.
- I drive a cool minivan.
Wow, I plan to continue adding to my list. My 30s have been such a time of change, growth, and happiness. I feel as if I have really made a difference in my life over the past 10 years. I look forward to the promise of new and exciting adventures in my 40s!!! Can't wait!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.