Saturday, January 13, 2007


Happy Birthday, Krissy G!!! We love and miss you. Hope you are having a dazzling day with your buddies. Send some photos with that cool new digi cam!!!

In other news, we had a busy day here today. Lily & Shelly were up and going at about 7 a.m. John and I slept until 8:45 a.m.!!! Is it a good idea to have a 6 and almost 3 year-old wandering around the house for almost 2 hours unsupervised??? Not quite sure the answer to this one, but I do know I needed the rest and all was well with the girls when I awoke. Well, with the one exception...Shelly's pajamas were soaked from a wet diaper! After we got our act together, we headed to Lily's basketball game. She played nicely (literally...the girl has a tough time being aggressive on the court) and the team lost 28-14. Fun was had by all. Then Lily and I headed to Toys 'R Us for some gift shopping for Shelly. We found a few things and then decided to hit Target on the way home. First, we stopped at Panera's to share two bagels...a plain one and an Asiago cheese bagel. Yummy. Finally, hit Target and purchased a couple more items for Shell Bell. We came home and found that John had acquired a basketball hoop stand thingy for the driveway. We are all thrilled with this and spent the rest of the evening (4 - 8) playing hoops. John worked on his airplane (on and off) and various neighbor men stopped by for a visit. We (John) built a fire in the "new to us" fire pit and we tried to roast marshmallows. We are still unsure if Shelly really ate the remaining bag of jumbo 'mallows. By 9, the girls were put to bed and John headed off to play some cards. I am left surfing the net and chilling out. Here are some interesting things I have found on the net tonight:

Definitely an odd conglomeration of items. Most were found while perusing blogs about sewing. I am bound and determined to begin sewing in the year 2007. Just not so sure how this plan will be put into action. Any ideas out there??? Anyway, have a spectacular evening.

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