Fooling around with some digi layouts. Love the second picture of Shelly. Just really says so much about her and who she is...bright eyes, little smile, blonde hair, and pajamas at 4:00 in the afternoon.
Some random things:
1. Playing Barbies can be very theraputic...especially acting out a few American Idol scenes.
2. Parmesan Tilapia is oh so yummy. The stuffed shrimp...just ok.
3. Consigning clothes can earn you some fast cash. It pays to have alot of little girls' clothes.
4. The book sale was fast and furious...got some good deals.
5. My cool and FREE Pampered Chef items arrived today. I love the new measuring cups and the Chilzanne container.
6. I love my telephone chats with my mother...I think they are fairly one-sided (my side) and I hope she doesn't mind. I also hope one day my girls will do the same with me.
7. Some people can really clutter my mind...I like to take a break from that clutter from time to time.
8. I can't wait to get my scrapbook shelves up in the hovel.
9. Tomorrow I hope to clean out yet more toys from our existence. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!!!!!!!!
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