Our bags are packed and we're ready to go!!!!!! We have been in the land of Mouse since Sunday. It has been fun, but I am ready to get back home. I have learned that I have amazingly terrific children...this may sound odd coming from their mother, but that is exactly what I am taking away from all of this. They are beyond great!!! From the 12 hour drive here to the long lines and heat...these children have made this trip like a fairy tale and I am ever so thankful for that. They will probably reap the benefits of this for years to come because we are so grateful. The trip was fun, the bonding time with just us four was perfect, and the laughs have been many. Great memories for a lifetime. So, now at 2:45 AM, I am getting ready to take a shower so that we don't miss our 6:55 flight.
Lessons Learned:
Don't ever miss a flight
Make sure your child's travel backpack is overflowing with stuff
Snacks make everyone happy
Laugh and smile when others don't
Real memories are the ones you spend time making together
A pool is enough to make most kids happy...Mickey and Minnie are nice, but swimming is awesome
Packing 7 pairs of shoes is excessive in Orlando...only tennis shoes are required
The FastPass badge rocks
Staying in a condo is a must for 7 days
A 7 day vacation is too long for the Foster crowd...we thrive on 4 or 5 day "holidays"
Being firm but loving parents pays off big time
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