1. I found some great decorative boxes at Michael's today and they were on sale for $5!!! I am using two of them in my computer/office/study (obviously not sure what we call this room). One box for paid bill receipts and the other for a collection of personal items (wedding invites, sweet cards, mementos, etc.). I also have two in the den under the side table. Those are holding some books and sundries of John's. I think I'll go back tomorrow for more. They have a larger version that I might add to the collection. I love a good container!!!!!!

2. Lily got a pair of pajamas for her birthday that came with an eye mask for sleeping. She thinks this is the greatest thing and wears it to bed and actually falls asleep with it on. I laughed so hard when I saw her wearing it the other night and had to share photos of her sound asleep in her mask. Oh, and I also wanted you all to see the girls sleeping together int he twin bed. So sweet...I call them my little kittens.

3. Shelly was playing upstairs and just zonked out mid stream. Here she is surrounded by her toys.

4. Lily received a cute little sewing machine for her birthday. She has made three small pillows and a little blanket, so far. Here she is modeling her pillow and Shelly shows off her little Dora pillow that sissy made her.

5. There are only 7.5 days of school left. And, we are done with homework for the remainder of the school year. Happy day!
6. I am offended by people who take advantage of others...even when it doesn't directly effect me.
7. I am in awe of people who so freely give of themselves and never ask for anything in return.
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