Thursday, July 26, 2007


So today I am offering up some tips on saving your digital images. First, I download my pictures onto my computer after every major picture taking event. I very rarely have tons of pictures on my memory card since I am always downloading. Once the photos are on my computer they receive a relevant name...i.e. 4th of July. Then I edit the photos and rename the pictures with something that makes sense to me...i.e. fireworks.jpg, dickbarbara.jpg, etc. Once all of the editing and renaming is complete, I delete all of the photos with the original camera name...i.e. 4th of July0002.jpg. This way I am left with only the images I want and the ones that have been properly edited. Now, I go to the Pictures file on my computer. Once in this file, I have the months designated with a folder. So, for my 4th of July pictures, I find the July month folder and drag the 4th folder into it. TA DA. Done with organizing the photos and now I can easily find them. At the end of the month, I order my prints (usually through Winkflash or Snapfish). After about 3 months, I save them on to a disk and label the disk with the months and year. These are then placed into a nifty little CD case in chronological order. And I go back and delete the photos from my hard drive. Viola organized digital and easy!

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