Friday, December 07, 2007

An Elf who sits on a Shelf

I am gearing up for the holidays with my never-ending lists of presents bought and those left to buy. I think I currently have about three of those lists in my wallet, one in my purse, and another on my vanity in my bathroom. I have the prerequisite equal number of gifts for both girls...about 7 from us and 3 from Santa. I still need to work on the little things for the stockings, but I decided to put their Webkinz and a shirt in their I have started.

We have begun our various holiday activities. We began on Saturday with the Advent calendar. Day 1's activity was to go see Enchanted. I absolutely LOVED this movie and am eager to own it on DVD. The lead actress is just adorable and the whole story is darling. And it helped me remember that I had married my "happily ever after" guy!

We also started a new little tradition with a Shelf Elf. Ours is not the one with the book. I actually bought a small elf ornament For $2.50 and created my own little poem to go along with him. He comes out during the day and perches on the shelf to watch the girls' behavior and at night he goes back and reports to Santa. In the morning, they search for him in his new spot.

Some of our other Advent ideas have been: chewing gum, gold dollar coins, lip gloss, cleaning out their toys to give to those in need, and a dollar. There are many more activities to come, but that's what we have done so far.

I got my photos back for my Christmas cards and now have them all ready to go. Just need to add a stamp to the envelope. I made all 100 of the cards going out and it was something that I am not so sure I would attempt again. Live and learn!!!

This weekend we are attending a holiday open house and John's company holiday party. Should be a fun weekend. Think I may start some baking next week. Here are photos of various items in the house including some of my favorite ornaments. Holly Jolly to all.
Lily's treeShelly's treeLittle tree in the officeMartha Stewart village in the making and by the train
Tree from down belowTree upstairsShell ornament...reminds me of VBAngel ornament from when Lily was littleIce cream cone ornaments made by both girls at the age of 3
Our spider ornament...the last to go on the tree

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