Friday, January 11, 2008

Modeling, a Dog, and a Baby Doll

The first two photos are from a modeling gig I once had. Ok, I was 3 and doing some various poses for my sister, Linda, who was completing a Girl Scout badge...but, hey, I was her model. This is when we lived in Rockville, Maryland. I only have two memories of that house. The first was when my dad and I went out for a walk one afternoon. I was pushing a baby doll stroller and police were all around the neighborhood searching for some guy who was holed up in one of the houses. I remember we had to get back to our house quickly. The second memory is when our dryer caught on fire and my mother sent me to the neighbor's house across the street. I stood at her door and watched the fire trucks arrive. I remember being really afraid that my mom was still in the house. As a side note: all was well...the dryer, my mom, and me.
Moving on, the next photo is another sweet shot of dear ol' Lucy! Boy I sure did love her.
And finally for today, a photo of me taken in 1975 on Christmas day. There I am in my jazzy new peach outfit with my precious little baby doll. Ok, I guess the baby doll thing is genetic.
More fun photos to come. Shelly's birthday party is this weekend. So, some of the pictures might acutally be from this decade when I return.

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