Thursday, March 27, 2008

The beginning...

Ok, yesterday we started the pool construction. (Some before photos)The guys arrived at 7:45 AM to begin digging the hole for our pool. The girls and I were really excited and stood by to watch the big ground breaking. They started by moving our tree. The day continued with more digging and more watching. Things came to a halt around noon. The girls checked out the new steps for the pool. We could see the beginnings of the deep end by the end of the day.

As day 2 began, we had several people lined up to come to the house for various reasons. The pool guys were back at 7:30 and got going quickly. Then the shade guy showed up to put up some shades in the kitchen. We have lived here for 5 years with beaming sunshine in our face at dinner time. So, today we solved that problem. Then the Terminix guy came for the second time in a week to rid us of our ant problem. The concrete guy showed up around 2:00 and the electrician stopped by at 3:00. During all of this, we invited two of the girls friends over for the day. We even found time to make some chocolate lollipops (a la Jon & Kate...if you saw the episode from Monday where they made them at their aunt's house). At the end of day 2, we have what is looking like a pool in the backyard (sans water, of course). It was a busy day, but some of the big decisions are being made and we are moving forward.
A little note: the more technical photos were posted for people like my mom and dad who would be interested in the process of the construction. I know this isn't super interesting for most people.

The girls wanted a live action movie of the pool. so here you go:

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!!! I love the work in progress pictures. I can't believe how quickly construction is going. I especially love the pic of the girls sitting on the future steps. So cool!!
