Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Approaching 5 and Kindy Woes

So, I have been thinking about Shelly so much lately. She will turn five on Friday and that means that she will be heading to Kindergarten in the fall. It is all almost too much for me to handle. She seems like this little tiny girl who still needs my help. But, the reality is that she isn't such a little girl and she is very independent. She will be completely ready for Kindergarten in the fall (really the late summer), but I am not so sure her mother will be.You may recall my many ramblings about Lily heading off to Kindergarten. Never had I been filled with so much emotion. And, I fear I am getting ready to engage in those same feelings all over again. I know that she will take her sister's hand and they will both head off on this new adventure together. I feel much comfort knowing they will be together and there for each other. But, I am already struggling with the thought of redefining myself in late August. After nine years of doing this gig, I am not so sure where my new responsibilities as a mom will take me. I'm excited, I'm eager, I'm nervous, and I am totally unprepared. Good thing I have time to figure this all months to get my act together.
In the meantime, I am savoring this little ritual with Shelly (eating her raisins and listening to the "iPod")and enjoying this silly little look she frequently gives me. Time will fly and I want to be ready to catch as much of it as I can before it's out of my grasp!

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