Another escape for me is in reading books. I have been directed toward several interesting titles of late and wanted to share them here with others. The first book, Embraced by the Light, is one that a neighbor gave me. She has recently lost her father and she found the book to be a good representation of heaven. It took me awhile to get through the book, but by the end of the story it was well worth the time I put into it.

The next book, The Middle Place, I came across while viewing the video that was added in the previous post. I was so impressed with the words that Kelly Corrigan shared and I wanted to read more. I just started the book last night and I am enjoying her storytelling. 

A book that was given to my father by a friend of my sister's is titled, The Lord is My Shepherd. The author, a rabbi, looks at the 23rd Psalm and how it's message can alter a person's life and offer hope. My sister sent me a copy of this book for my birthday and it is next on my list to read after The Middle Place.

My sister also sent me a copy of this book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. I've heard so much about this book and am eager to read it and hopefully learn from it.

The last two books, I Miss You and What's Heaven?, were given to the girls by a friend. They are both excellent books that help children deal with the loss of a loved one. The books discuss some great topics within their text and offer valuable answers for young children's many questions about death.
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