Thursday, June 10, 2010

Winding Down

The school year is winding down...finally!!! I know most schools seem to be done, but we are busy making up snow days from the winter. I just want to go on record and say that those people who wish for snow in the winter and then get their wish granted annoy me!!! I don't want to spend my days off in the cold and gray snow days. I want to be outside enjoying the sunshine in 80 degree weather in JUNE. So, stop doing those snow dances in the middle of January!
Anyway...I am preparing the teacher gifts and took a few pictures of some that I have put together. The ladies in the office and the principal received these candy bags:

The specialist teachers (PE, Art, Music, etc.) will get these little bags with a key chain and some candy:

I am still preparing the main teacher gifts.

Today was Shelly's Kindergarten awards assembly. She was voted the Fashionista award for her style of dress and attention to detail with her school work.

1 comment:

  1. Hello K:
    I so grateful I stopped by, this is exactly what I need to do for my son's teachers as the the end of another school term comes to an end. Congrats on Shelly's award.
    Hugs and Smiles Lisa

