Monday, March 05, 2012

My Mom

Three years ago today, I lost my mother. In an instant she was taken from me and today, three years later, I am still in shock. I am still thinking about the last conversation we had, the last time I saw her, and the last time she was at my home. 

Time has not provided an easy path of adjusting to her death. And, I struggle at times without my mother's physical presence. I am working (every day) on accepting that my mother is no longer with me and attempting to make my own life happy. 

When I think of my mom, I remember her smiling and laughing. So, today I will smile a little more than usual and think of her as I look towards heaven.


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I did not know your mom, but I know you. I am sure your mother is looking down on you with a beautiful smile and her heart full of pride and joy over what a loving, smart, compassionate woman she raised!
    I can not imagine what you are dealing with or feeling, I will say a special prayer for you!
    Amy Matthews

    1. Amy, thank you so much for your thoughtful words. And thank you for your prayers. K :)

  2. I wish I had something I could say that would lighten your that feeling but since I can't, please know that I am sending extra love and support today and I hope the memories you have of your Mom brightens your day a bit.

    1. Christol, thanks for the sweet thoughts. I know that you have a deep understanding of the loss of a parent. I appreciate your support. K :)
