Tuesday, June 26, 2012


While John's mom was visiting we headed to the mountains of NC for a little trip. Our first stop was in Ashe County. We went to the Ashe County cheese store and that place was great. Tons of cheeses everywhere. Loved it.

We went to some of our favorite places...the Mast General Store, downtown Boone, and the Red Onion for dinner.

Then we took the drive up to Grandfather Mountain. We walked across the cool suspended bridge. And stood among the clouds. It was a great little trip filled with exciting new sights.

All photos courtesy of Lily's iPod Touch and John's iPhone---waiting for my new camera to delivered.

Walking across the bridge

Shelly, Bestemor, and Lily

On the mountaintop---it was chilly

Jumping for joy at Grandfather Mountain

John and his mom

Oh, and on our way out of the house I decided to turn on my cell phone just to see if anything had changed with it. And, guess what???? It started working! I couldn't believe that a week later the phone was operating. So thankful.


  1. Great pictures!! What kind of camera did you order? ;)

    1. So sorry I forgot to respond to this comment. Missi, I got a Nikon P510. It's a super zoom/bridge camera. I am still not ready for the big ones with the lenses to change. I haven't received the camera, yet. Can't wait to get it.

  2. I'm such a dork...I came back to comment on this post...but I already had! Lol!!
