Friday, September 29, 2006


Recent photos from around our place:

Random Rumblings:

1. How much fun will our little Halloween get-together be for our neighborhood? Planning it for Halloween night from 4:30 - dusk. Then the kids can go off trick or treating. Super excited about this!!!

2. Coming up with some cool ideas for planning Pampered Chef parties and eager to get it all going.

3. So eager for the Fall Festival to arrive and END!!! Is that bad???

4. Looking forward to date night tomorrow night. Hitting Phoenix and maybe another watering hole.

5. Why are some people so consistently negative and looking for the bad?

6. Why are some people so secretive and elusive?

7. I sewed the tulle skirt...all by myself. Now, I just need to figure out exactly how to hot glue the ribbon to the waist.

8. I can't believe it is almost October. Our decorations for Halloween are up and ready to go.

Here are some random layouts of photos from the last week or so:

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