Monday, November 12, 2007


Wow, did you see that? I am branching out and decided to give my blog entries a real title as opposed to the lame! So, today I have been having flashbacks of various childhood memories and just wanted to post some of them here.

  1. At the age of 4, I was taken by my mother to a little red school house in Kodiak, Alaska where I was examined for the basics...eyesight, hearing, comprehenshion, etc. I was asked by the kind woman checking my eyes to tell her which direction the large E was facing. At that moment, I asked "where's the E?" Wow, I had/have terrible eyesight and this was the first that my mother was to know of it. She took me for an eye examine and then I was issued a beautiful gleaming pair of blue cat eye glasses. These little gems would help me to see some very large trees on the island as we drove home and I shouted with glee when I saw them. My mom couldn't believe I had never seen them. As a mom, now, I can only imagine what that must have felt like for her.
  2. In Mrs. Coates' 2nd grade class, I would take my pink plastic ruler and squeeze glue down the middle of the little dent. Patiently, I would wait for it to dry. Once it was dry, I would peel it off the ruler and create cool glue nails out of it that I would stick to my own nails. I wonder what Mrs. Coates thought of all of this?
  3. As a 1st grader, I would make my own lunch each night before going to bed. The lunch was the same every day...bologna and cheese sandwich, an apple, milk in my thermos, and a Big Wheel. This is exactly what my lunchbox looked like in 1972.
  4. In third grade, I was obsessed with Olivia Newton John. It was the year that "Have You Never Been Mellow" came out and I knew every word to that song. In an art contest at my school, we were asked to draw a picture of your favorite song and I fashioned a masterpiece that represented this tune. Now, I was by no means an artist and was completely shocked when I received 1st place in the K-3 category for my interpretation of ONJ's song. I wonder now if I was the only entrant.

Ok, that will complete some of my reflections for the day. And, When I head to my parents for Thanksgiving, I am hoping to snagged some photos of my younger days to add to my blog. Should be good for a few good chuckles.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Wow! I loved going down memory lane with you. When I was young I would also make nails out of glue!!
