Let's start with the first picture. Here we are the three Ruesch girls. Are we hot or what!!!??? It's me, my sister Linda, and my sister Kathy standing outside of her apartment in Alexandria. Oh, and a red hot fashion note...the cute little Pappagallo green button purse (the ones with all of the different covers...circa 1980-81) is now quite hip and trendy at your local Old Navy store. I just saw one there today. Oh, and Linda's cool Candies pumps were one of my all-time favorite pairs of shoes. My mother wouldn't let me own a pair! So there I am at about the age of 14...right in all my hideous glory.

So, on to another photo taken in 1989 at my friend's boyfriend's house. There we are in our ultra short skirts, slouchy tops with shoulder pads, and major pouffy hair. Let me tell you we thought we were lookin' hot that night...I am quite sure. I'm in shock that almost 20 years has passed since that picture was taken! Could I please have those pretty tan legs back!
Bonnie, me, and Sherry

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