Mother's Day was a lovely day at The Foster's. The girls and John prepared cinnamon rolls for me for breakfast and John even made me freshly brewed iced tea. The girls showered me with cards, coupons, and gifts. They also stuffed balloons up their pajamas representing a pregnant belly. They were mommies-in-training! I thought that was a sweet tribute to their own mother that they would want to follow in my footsteps!!! We made plans to head to the Farmer's Market where we bought all kinds of plants for around the yard. Then it was off to lunch/dinner to a fun little spot with very few no crowds or waiting were involved. We had a yummy meal and then headed home to plant our treasures. Shelly was John's big helper in the garden (I think she takes after her grandpa and bestemor).To finish the evening, the girls gave me a complete foot massage while watching The Amazing Race. It was just perfect all the way around. Thanks little ladies.
How sweet!!!! The girls are so funny stuffing balloons up their shirts. hehe