Sunday, January 02, 2011

One Word

Several years ago I participated in the idea of creating one word that would guide me through the year (an alternative to the typical new year's resolution). That year my word was simplify. I loved the word and it really helped me stay focused. I loved the word so much that I hung on to it for a few years.

In 2009, I picked create and after my mother's death that word seemed to fall to the wayside and a new word took its place---grief.

Last year I tried to come up with a word, but it just didn't happen.

So, I deliberated for some time on what the word might be for 2011. And over and over again the same word kept popping in my head. Each week, I am hoping to report on how I am using the new word. Here's to a new year and a new word:



  1. Hi K, I came across your blog while randomly blog-hopping and was interested by this idea of choosing one word to focus on through the year rather than making a list of resolutions. As I was reading your post one word popped into my mind - and it just happened to be the one you chose, too: change. Coincidence? I wonder. Anyway, thanks for giving a complete stranger something to think about, and happy new year.
